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Bottle refusal is a common but frustrating experience for parents. Before you spend money on every bottle on the market, let’s explore what bottle refusal is, why it happens, and how you can help your baby learn to accept the bottle. What exactly *is* bottle refusal? “Bottle refusal” describes a baby who may consistently refuse […]

Bottle Refusal: What it is and How to Help Your Baby Overcome It

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When addressing tongue ties, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of working collaboratively with a tongue tie team for the best possible outcomes. Ties can impact several areas of development from feeding, digestion, sleep, airway, speech, and more. That said, we really need to look at both the mother, baby dyad holistically to address the […]

Who Should Be Part of your Baby’s Tongue Tie Team?

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Airway, Feeding, Sleep

Having a baby with reflux is hard. Not only for your baby but it can also negatively affect your whole family. It is overwhelming and heartbreaking to see your baby uncomfortable, in distress, and inconsolable. You may may be reading this and feeling helpless. And if you’re wondering if there is anything you can do […]

Reflux is a Symptom NOT a Diagnosis

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Are you wondering if your baby would benefit from a feeding evaluation? Maybe you’re unsure if what you’re experiencing is ‘normal’ and having some difficulty with feeding your baby? If so, this blog post will identify signs your baby may need a feeding an evaluation. Signs your baby May Need Breastfeeding Support Breastfeeding is the […]

Signs your baby needs a feeding evaluation

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In this post, I will cover everything you need to know about bottle feeding your baby from the perspective a feeding therapist! From the timing of introduction, bottle recommendations, nipple confusion, to how to feed your baby. Timing of bottle introduction If you are planning to bottle feed at any point, it is recommended to […]

Bottle Feeding 101

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There’s a lot of misinformation that can lead to confusion when it comes to the topic of tongue ties. I always want to educate and empower parents with information that is evidence-based to help you make informed decisions that best support you and your baby or toddler. Today I’m sharing 3 important things I believe […]

3 Things you NEED to Know about Tongue Ties!

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Feeding, Sleep

Are you wondering how to wean your baby or toddler off the pacifier? For some families, it may be quite simple. And for others the process may not be so linear. But commitment, consistency, and patience will go a long way. And with my guidance, you can get there! Pacifier Weaning Timeline Feeding experts typically […]

When and How to Wean Off the Pacifier

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Feeding, Sleep

There are so many conflicting opinions on pacifiers that it can confuse and overwhelm parents. And understandably so! In this post, I will share what you need to know about pacifiers from the perspective of a speech-language pathologist, feeding therapist, and lactation counselor. We’ll explore the timing of pacifier introduction, the benefits of pacifier use, […]

Whats Parents Need to Know About Pacifiers

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Feeding, Sleep

One question I get often from parents as a speech-language pathologist and feeding therapist is whether tongue ties can affect starting solids? The short answer is yes, it’s possible! Why? Well, when tongue has limited mobility it can impact a baby’s ability to manipulate and consume solid foods effectively. In this blog post, we will […]

Do Tongue Ties Affect Starting Solids?

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Food throwing is probably the ultimate test of patience for all parents. Almost every baby or toddler will go through this stage at some point in their early years and it will likely happen for some time. So it’s important to keep calm and prepare! If you’re wondering what you should do when your baby […]

What to do when your baby or toddler throws food

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