When it comes to baby and toddler sleep there is such a wide variation of what may be considered ‘normal.’ Night waking, while exhausting, is actually so normal and common in the early years and may not be anything to be concerned about. This is especially true when a baby or toddler is going through […]
Are you wondering how to wean your baby or toddler off the pacifier? For some families, it may be quite simple. And for others the process may not be so linear. But commitment, consistency, and patience will go a long way. And with my guidance, you can get there! Pacifier Weaning Timeline Feeding experts typically […]
There are so many conflicting opinions on pacifiers that it can confuse and overwhelm parents. And understandably so! In this post, I will share what you need to know about pacifiers from the perspective of a speech-language pathologist, feeding therapist, and lactation counselor. We’ll explore the timing of pacifier introduction, the benefits of pacifier use, […]
My story
Iām a certified pediatric speech-language pathologist, feeding therapist, lactation consultant, and sleep coach.