

  • Timing of bottle introduction
  • Bottle frequency + how much milk your baby should be drinking
  • Choosing the right bottle
  • Nipple confusion, is it real?
  • Bottle feeding technique
  • Bottle feeding red flags

Everything you need to know about introducing a bottle to your baby + avoiding bottle refusal


Bottle Feeding 101

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  • Paci weaning timeline
  • Considerations for weaning
  • Step-by-step guidance for day + night weaning
  • Scripts to support your toddler's big feedings
  • Bonus section on thumb/finger sucking
  • FAQ
  • And so much more!

Everything you need to help you wean off of the pacifier for your baby or toddler!


B ye Bye Paci Guide


  • 80+ pages 
  • Step-by-step process to navigate TOTs from diagnosis to discharge
  • Personal stories from mamas & their tied babies
  • Practical tips you can use at home to support your baby or toddler's development

A practical guide to understanding Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs) and getting the support you and your baby need to thrive!


Tongue Tie Guide