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Traveling with a baby and/or a toddler can be overwhelming, but with a little planning and a positive mindset, it can also be a beautiful experience with wonderful memories to look back on! So whether you’re gearing up to go on a road trip or you’re taking a flight, I have compiled a baby + […]

Baby + Toddler Travel Guide

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There are hundreds of choices you can make when it comes to traveling between Luxor and Aswan. But there was one cruise line that stood out to us, Lazuli Voyages. If you ever get the opportunity to take a trip to Egypt and go on a Nile cruise I promise you won’t regret traveling with […]

Why your family should go on a Nile Cruise with Lazuli Voyages

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So you just found out you’re pregnant! Maybe this is something you’ve been dreaming of for years. Or maybe it caught you by surprise. And now you may be adjusting to the idea of a new life growing inside you and all the ways your life is about to change. No matter how you got […]

Feeling Ready – How I Prepared for Pregnancy and Birth

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With the holidays just around the corner it can be very overwhelming picking out gifts. I’ve curated a gift guide for babies & toddlers with toys that will help promote your little ones developmental skills. It’s complete with shoppable links to help you navigate your shopping this year from the comfort of your couch! This […]

Gift Guide for Babies, Toddlers and Mama!

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While many friends may be mourning the end of summer, I’m sitting at home bundled up in my cozy sweater overjoyed for fall! I love the turning leaves, cooler temps and heading to the pumpkin patch! Especially now during the pandemic, getting outdoors may be the perfect social distancing activity to do with your little […]

Carve out time for the Pumpkin Patch!

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Language, Parenting